Upcoming Events
February 2024
February 5 - February 12
Washington Island Chamber of Commerce,
2206 West Harbor Road
Washington Island, WI 54246 United States
A week long celebration of ice and snow with food, fun, adventure and entertainment. Sponsored by the Washington Island Chamber of Commerce, the event calendar is anchored in several main events which include:
– The annual Chili Cook Off this year will be held at K.K. Fiske on Main Rd. Register at Nelson’s on the day of the event; $5.00 for sampling all the entries or just the one you like best! The Chili Cook Off is a judged event with cash awards for the top 3 entries!
– Photo Contest – Your photo stories of people, places and wildlife on Washington Island. The Photo Contest is a judged event with cash prize awards for each category!
– the Washington Island Lion’s Club Fish Derby. Anglers who dare to adventure onto the ice to “get the big one”; Cash prizes to the top category winners. Community Bingo party with more prizes! At Nelson’s Hall. Register with the Lion’s Club – call the Chamber for contact information: 920.847.2179.

Added each year is a “surprise” event. Add local food specials at our family owned eateries, fabulous bake sales( fundraisers sponsored by the WI Schools), musical entertainment, an Island Players performance and your travels will be complete.
For more information call: The Washington Island Chamber of Commerce at 920.847.2179 or send us an email (click on “Contact Us” on this website).
June 2024
W.I. Art Association Sponsored Art Classes: Watercolor with Cathy Meader.
Open House at Art and Nature Center.
Sól Grass Music Festival – June 14-15, 2024
June 14 - June 15
The 2024 Sól Grass Music Festival line-up includes some of Wisconsin’s most popular classic and progressive bluegrass bands
The Friday music line-up starts at 4:00 pm and ends that evening at midnight. Saturday’s music kicks off at 3:00 pm and ends at midnight. However, the evening does not end there. Festival goers are encouraged to bring their instruments and enjoy spontaneous jams with fellow campers and band members. Even if you do not play an instrument, you will enjoy the late night music scene.
For more info or to purchase tickets, please visit the festival website today: www.solgrassmusicfestival.com.
Maritime Museum Annual Grilled Whitefish Dinner.
American Legion Fish Boil at Legion Hall.
FORI will host our annual cookout near the Boathouse at Rock Island State Park. Lunch will be available for purchase from 11am until we sell out. Park merchandise will be on sale too. A silent auction will be held in the Boathouse to help raise funds for park and lighthouse maintenance projects.
Upcoming Events
July 2024
W.I. Fire Department Pancake breakfast. Held at the Fire House (Airport & Townline Rds) from 7 – 10 am. Equipment on display. Funds will help pay for future equipment. Cost is
Island Fire Works sponsored by the W.I. Fire Department. Location is at the W.I. Baseball Field (Main Rd.). Fireworks Display begins @ Dusk (approximately 8:30 pm). Free will offerings accepted and the “boot” will be passed by firefighters. Your donations for the fireworks display will be gratefully appreciated!
Art in the Park and Ice Cream Social Saturday, 11 am- 3 pm; Art and Nature Center (Main Rd & Jackson Harbor Rd.) Art activities for kids and adults of all ages. This years menu includes: monoprinting, sponge painting, watercolors, wood building, collage, face painting and more. Ice cream, brats, hotdogs and sodas available to purchase. Free admission to the Art and Nature Center for the day.
Fly-in-Fish-Boil @ the W.I. Airport (Airport Rd.). Sponsored by the WI Lions Club. Fly, ride or walk to the W.I. Airport 11 am – 3 pm; planes on display, hayrides, music and an authentic W.I. Fish Boil dinner with locally caught Whitefish. Adults $12.00 / $5.00 kids.
International Food Festival sponsored by Women’s Club.
More questions? Email us at: manager@moslingreccenter.org, or call 920-847-2226.
The Island Rec Center is located at 1777 Lakeview Road (P.O. Box 68), Washington Island, WI 54246. Manager: Katie McGrane
Upcoming Events
August 2023
Scandinavian Dance Festival.
Under the Big Top, event sponsored by the Washington Island Music Festival.
Island Fair sponsored by the W.I. Lions Club. Located on the W.I. School Grounds on Main Rd. $1.00 admission. Parade @ Noon / Bingo @ 1pm / Raffle @ 3pm; Food Stands, beer and soda, games, Fair exhibits ( Cash Prizes ) in Gym.
Under the Big Top Flea Market sponsored by Lions Club.
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WIAA Annual Fall Show Opening Reception at ANC
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Come to beautiful Washington Island for the 9th official Death’s Door Bar-B-Q at the Washington Island Airport. Presented by the Washington Island Ferry Line and the Washington Island Chamber of Commerce, the Death’s Door Bar-B-Q is a KCBS-Sanctioned Competition with 100% Certified Judges and $7,500 in Prize Money. Just picture yourself crossing the beautiful Porte De Mort passage (Death’s Door) connecting the waters of Lake Michigan and Green Bay, to the unspoiled beauty…
Upcoming Events
September 2023
American Legion Fish Boil held at the Legion Hall on Washington Island.
Upcoming Events
October 2023
Fall Fun Fest and Cider Pressing Party at the Washington Island Farm Museum.
Fall Harvest Dinner at the Lutheran Church.
Fire Department Open House and Raffle at the Fire House.
Upcoming Events
November 2023
Veterans Day Program
Veterans Day Program directed by the American Legion.